2013 WK28

In 2013, Calendar week 28 runs from Tuesday, July 9 through Monday, July 15.

Just what you want to be,
you’ll be in the end.”
Justin Hayward,
Nights In White Satin

Everything that’s happening on the national and world stages right now is a reflection of what is happening to humanity as a whole, and as individuals. We are seeing our weaknesses along with our strengths, and our prejudices along with our tolerance. We are seeing just how torn we are as a species and, if we look deeply enough at the details without denying how they really make us feel, we will know what it will take to repair the damage, and evolve. We are becoming more aware of our potential to transform this horribly imbalanced world into a more loving and peaceful experience. But, of course, those in control are doing everything they can to destroy this evolutionary healing process as they try to put down the rising will of the people.

* Added note: There is so much going on in Texas, the 28th state of the USA, in week 28.  There is a great deal of movement regarding women’s rights, civil rights, and other transformational political issues.  Texas is changing drastically, but the pushback is also fierce

In the 2000s, our powers  of perception and intuition are opening up and increasing. As we become more aware of reality, we are learning HOW to feel, and it is a unique experience for all of us.

The 6 global year of 2013 focuses on balance and extremes, responsibility, fairness, and the sanctity of areas on which we can agree – common ground. While last week’s 9 energy signified endings and drama, this week’s powerful 10 energy brings existing situations to new stages, and can help us form new ideas, strategies, and understandings. This could be a week of ‘firsts’. When sensitive 2 meets abundant 8, we are more able to change the status quo because 10 produces a powerful step which takes things to a ‘new level’.

Of course, that step is there for everyone to use. Although great strides can be made personally and for the good of all, those whose intentions are purely self-serving and against the common good can also advance considerably. As activity on Earth increases, (and not just human activity), the pace of life is stepping up  in all directions and capacities.

Reaching desirable new levels requires us to look at things from completely different angles. We must change our frame of mind and points of view if we are to find the answers we seek.  As Einstein famously said, “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them.”

The 2/8 experience is not the same for everyone. Those who are more spiritually and/or intellectually based must find more acceptance for emotion. Those who are emotionally based must find more acceptance for the spiritual and/or intellectual.  Body oriented people are likely to find themselves both feeling and thinking much more deeply. In other words, we are moving out of our energetic comfort zones – to a new level which brings balance to these different parts of ourselves. With that, we will gain more personal power to live the way we want to live.

2 represents a MOTHER’S LOVE. 2 is the number of CARING. But at the shallow end of 2 sits indifference and carelessness. Notice the incompetence and non-caring behind the spate of deadly industrial incidents that are occurring in record numbers around the world. 2 is the principle number of the new millennium – the 2000s.  2’s focus on the feminine makes us aware of the industrialization of MOTHER EARTH, and how the greedy push for her precious resources is also stepping up. When 8 is narrowly focused on material acquisition, greed takes over and awareness of everything else is lost.

“I am always doing that which I cannot do,
 in order that I may learn how to do it.”
~ Pablo Picasso

The 2000s have brought us into an age of transparency. As a result, we are starting to SEE how the world is run, (although I think it’s true to say: ‘we ain’t seen nothing yet’!) But we can see enough to know that this is not the way life is supposed to be. The system is so all-controlling that it is easy to believe that there’s nothing we can do to change it. But there is – and it’s the only way we are ever going to transform this world into something more livable, loving, peaceful, and sustaining. 8 represents the power to change what we already have into what we want. 2 brings this power into present time.

Week 28 is an opportunity to learn more about the power others have over us – and how best to fight those forces without actually fighting – without physical force. We cannot find the way to peace unless it is peace that carves the way. Anything less than that is just more of the same old rut of violence and revenge that we’re already in.

The only way to achieve balance in the outer world is to first achieve balance within. 1 represents CHANGE through step-by-step progress. 1 is the number of beginnings – and everything begins within. No evolutionary step can be avoided just because the feelings involved are unpleasant or uninteresting. In order to become whole individuals, we must be able to tolerate all that we are, which includes all that we feel – without turning those feelings into weapons, or denying them.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you,
but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” 
~ Maya Angelou

Taking a new step can be hard to do because strong fears stand in the way, such as fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of getting hurt. We must be specific about our fears because in order to soothe and heal an unfounded fear, we must be able to see it for what it is. And we must not allow guilt to tell us that it is wrong to feel what we are feeling. Guilt is not an emotion. It is a judgment that prevents us from feeling and, consequently, from understanding.

We have denied our emotions so deeply, almost completely, that we now have to repair the damage that our inability to feel has caused. We need to evolve into a more loving existence, not devolve back in to a feelingless rut, in which violence is accepted as the norm. When we fight with each other, we fight with ourselves, unaware that this, too, is self-destruction.

28 adds up to 10, and 10 adds up to 1. The first and foremost number. 1 teaches us that LIFE IS NOT A RACE. Our misunderstanding here has caused what we know today as RACISM.  We may see new levels of racism arise this week – or new understandings about race. Racism is everywhere. It forms the basis of patriotism and competition. How can we call ourselves the human race and not be racial? A race is a contest, the need to outdo, be better than – to win at all costs. A race is a contest to be first, to be #1. But we are NOT the ‘human race’. We are humanity. We are all part of the same species; the same family, the same planet. And here we are in 2013’s 6 energy – the number of family, home, balance, justice, and belonging. Diversity is our strength and richness. Each of us is 1 – and all of us are 1. 

* Added note: The acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin has brought the deepest of feelings to the fore, and a new spotlight on the whole question of RACE – and our perceptions of each other. 2013 is a 6 global year – and 6 is about JUSTICE and BALANCE. Justice for Trayvon protests have arisen all over the United States – with tremendous diversity in those participating

As we step up our recognition of our own feelings, we could experience feelings this week that we did not know we could feel. They could be feelings of elation, feelings of despair, or any of the feelings in between that make up the vast emotional network that runs through every one of us – our feminine energy – our personal will.

However, we were never able to get past fear because we have no tolerance for it. We tell ourselves that it isn’t real, and we blame it for our stagnation. No one wants to live in fear. But we are living in a fear-filled world because we have no acceptance for the very part of ourselves that acknowledges what is wrong. Our denied fear prevents us from finding ways to put it right. We cannot change anything that we are too afraid to look at – and into. And we cannot become whole if there are parts of ourselves that we cannot accept. 1 is the number of SELF; the number of self awareness, and ultimately, SELF ACCEPTANCE.

It is lack of self acceptance that enables others to steal our Will in the first place. Lack of self acceptance means that we are not vibrating at our full capacity. We are holding back. We are not whole. We cannot be at peace with others if we are not at peace with ourselves.

We need to recognize those uncaring parts of ourselves because they keep us at a standstill. Our specific fears need to be understood, soothed, and healed – not attacked and vilified so that more fear is created.

The same is true of anger. Anger is not attractive to look at or be around. But it must be expressed nonetheless. The system has programmed us to believe that anger is always wrong – so we feel guilty when we feel angry, even if there is every reason for us to feel that way. This  is a very convenient way to exert control and compliance. Although many people still deny their anger because it seems to contradict their peaceful intent, it is important to understand that when anger is held in, it gets backed up within the body and then hardens into a new level of emotion we know as rage. Denied anger is much more dangerous than expressed anger.

Frustration is a form of anger which can dislodge barriers and lead to better conditions. And it must be remembered that wherever pain exists, anger is attached in one form or another. Pain is rampant on Earth today and pain, too, has many forms. Anger must be given acceptance so that the pain can heal. Without that understanding, anger will continue to accumulate and must eventually explode as rage. Acceptance is the key, not condemnation or further denial.

8 is Magnetic. 8 attracts the components which make desires materialize. 8 is the number of power on the material plane. It ranges in quality from ever-flowing abundance to the insanity of greed. We have been traveling that lower level of 8 for a very long time now. While people continue to evolve and awareness expands, greed is also reaching ITS next step – with all caring emotions switched off.

2 facilitates EVOLUTION. 8 facilitates MANIFESTATION. We can more easily attract what we want when 28/10 is active. That is why the decisions we make, even those little day-to-day choices – play an important role in the directions open to us this week. There are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum. 10, therefore, offers a step forward – a step up. So trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Think things through, and move a part of your life forward.


2013 – Week 27 – REALITY CHECK

About Christine DeLorey

Numerologist and author of LIFE CYCLES Your Emotional Journey To Freedom And Happiness (ISBN: 0-9673130-9-0). Author of the nine-book series: CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time. My main website is: www.creativenumerology.com
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12 Responses to Week 28 ~ STEPPING UP

  1. Anonymous says:

    Christine – this is truly your spiritual and powerful perspective at it’s best. Thank you

    Cynthia Rollins


  2. Jennifer says:

    Loved this article. I used to be married to a guy who was a 28/10 and he was one of the sweetest, gentle souls I ever met. But on the other hand, he was sooooo angry all the time and so frustrated at “The System” and just didn’t know how to compromise to get what he wanted in life. This helps me understand things more. Thankyou.


  3. S says:

    Just wanted to say thanks for words on anger. Im in my nine year…lord. So you know Ive gotten to know my anger very well. Your clarification on an authentic relationship with this emotion has made me feel less crazy…Which is always good.

    Much love.


  4. bevns H30 says:

    Hi Christine….always Love your amazing insight & analysis ! All so very true & real, but I really like your explanation of ‘8’….truly sings a special song !…..Thanks ! Hopefully we All as humanity can find the way to rise above All these negative energies & into a more Blessed & positive year end ! Blessings to you !……….Bev~


  5. Your depth of understanding of the numbers, along with your way with words is outstanding. You are truly a sage and master teacher! These posts feel very spiritually intuitive – do you write from flow of spirit? It feels like that, And how do you find the time? 🙂

    Are you teaching classes on your take of the numbers? If not you should. Truly you are a spiritual masterpiece. I appreciate greatly your posts, although I do not often get to read them all. Thank you again Christine. Hugs to you and Many Blessings, Kimberly Anne


    • That’s so nice of you Kimberly Anne. I interpret the numbers the way I feel them. So it’s a balance of spirit and emotion. I am not a good teacher, so I try to stick to interpretation. Many blessings to you, too. I am so glad you enjoy this work. Love, Christine


  6. wolfy says:

    Great site.


  7. Barbara says:

    Do comment about Egypt. I have been surprised that you didn’t mention how numbers have played a role in the recent events.


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