SOUL SEARCH (week 43)

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Week 43 is a 7 Week. It runs from October 21 to 27. This is the 4th week in a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4 – the number of both obstruction and breakthrough.

7 is the deeply spiritual number of contemplation, intuition, learning, and self-examination. 7 is the mirror that reflects ourselves back to us, and plays a vital part in our individual and collective evolution.

When 7 is derived from 4 and 3, its natural ‘need to know’ is enhanced by 4’s strong need for detail, and 3’s need to communicate.

This is a week of soul searching and delving more deeply into who we really are inside – in order to understand more clearly how the system has shaped us – and who we have it in us to become. This is a week in which to feel and appreciate our greater potential in these serious evolutionary times.

7 is the number of FAITH, and although this can refer to religious or spiritual beliefs, it also highlights ‘what we believe’ in all areas of our lives. 7 also refers to belief in yourself. This, in turn, is connected to pride and shame – and we need to understand these emotional energies more deeply. The perception of “self” is behind the enormous superiority complex which has arisen throughout the world, and which is based on egos that are over-inflated – or deflated. We have much to learn about the vital role that ego plays when it has an accurate appreciation of itself.

7 also represents fear, dread, panic, and paranoia, along with secrets, lies, scandal, and downfall. This week’s 4/3/7 vibrations, each in their own way, have a tendency to criticize, spread rumor, and generally find fault. If we find ourselves facing a situation where it is impossible to know what to believe, this could be the trigger that pushes us inward to search for what we truly feel.

NOTE: Wednesday, October 26 is the 300th day of this Leap Year, and nothing is ever quite as it seems when 3 is so concentrated. This energy amplifies communication and sets a scene. We must be careful not to react impulsively. 3 contains the power of all the arts, including illusion. At the same time, the spiraling 9 energy of 2016 is bringing events to their inevitable conclusions. Life is an ongoing story, and we have to determine, from moment to moment, whether we are reading fact or fiction – which is not always an easy task!

This is a week in which to notice what our beliefs and priorities actually are, and weigh them up against what we are hearing. 3 exposes the dangers of hearsay, gossip, and over-simplification. 4 sorts and identifies the details and puts them in order. 3 communicates data from the feelings to the mind. 7 analyzes it all and produces a theory – which is why 7 is so strongly connected to science, research, and wisdom. And yet, in the words of physicist, Max Planck:

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”

And so, although scientific knowledge is essential to our survival and our ability to understand and thrive, we must constantly go within to learn more about who and what we are. 7 studies and analyzes the details and exposes not only the inaccuracies, but also important truths that have been kept hidden. It was physicist, Nikola Tesla who said:

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

There is always a ‘strangeness’ in the air when 7 is active. Weird and wonderful – or weird and frightening. Situations arise which are perplexing and hard to explain. This is the energy of the ‘unknown’, all things alien and foreign. 7 is the number of MYSTERY.

7 is also the ultimate conspiracy theory energy, and we must remember that ‘conspiracy’ and ‘conspiracy theory’ are not the same thing. Conspiracy theory often claims to offer proof of wrong-doing, but is almost always speculative and filled with hidden agendas. A lie is easier to swallow when sandwiched between layers of truth.

7 represents the INTELLECT, but we are currently traveling through an era in which anti-intellectualism (the dumbing-down process) has taken hold to a large degree. We are in the process of finding balance between our masculine minds (electricity) and our feminine feelings (magnetism).

We must remember that to allow our emotions to control us is as one-sided as living only in the mind, or only in the physical. BALANCE is needed between those 3 parts of ourselves, (mind/emotion/body) and this can only be achieved by the 4th dimension – the heart – the 4th chakra – balance itself.

The 3, 4, and 7 personal forecasts can be very helpful to us this week.

Slide4Let your heart soften where it has been hurt and hardened. Don’t be pushed into moving at an unnatural pace. In this cycle, Free Will means being able to operate in a way that feels appropriate to the situation, and slowly enough to notice the details that will help you make sense of it all. By focusing on what really matters at this time,  you will gain insight that can improve many areas of your life.

Slide3Do not take anything for granted. Look for truth in opposing points of view. Appearances can be deceiving, so independently check the facts and take a more self-reliant stance in general. If you are confronted with facts you would rather not hear, or a reality you would rather not accept, do not create unnecessary problems for yourself by spinning the truth and denying the obvious. There is a fine line between ‘positive thinking’ and denial.

Slide7 As you dig deeper for answers, you are seeing things in a new light which can increase your power. However, accepting reality could be a test of your self-respect: a test of whether you are willing to receive, with dignity, the gift of wisdom – or, for the sake of pride or convenience, you will choose to remain ‘safely’ in the dark. Be prepared to change your mind about something of which you were once so sure.

NEXT WEEK, as we travel through this 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4, we arrive at WEEK 44 – a master number which gives BALANCE to the number 8 (the number of POWER in the material world).

About Christine DeLorey

Numerologist and author of LIFE CYCLES Your Emotional Journey To Freedom And Happiness (ISBN: 0-9673130-9-0). Author of the nine-book series: CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time. My main website is:
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